Inform Bodies

Get Inform / Be Informed / Stay Inform

Massage therapy on a regular basis is a great tool for maintaining your body, health and wellbeing on a physical, mental and/or emotional level.

Inform Bodies isn't just about the massage, but about getting your body inform, informing you on how you can help your self and giving you the tools to do that, and keeping your body in the best form it can be!

Whether it be the simple pleasure of relaxation massage or the therapeutic benefits of sports and deep tissue massage, we will listen, discuss your goals and create an individual treatment plan tailored to leave you feeling repaired, rebalanced and revived.


Hi, I'm Linda Rowney (nee Anderson), your massage therapist.

I have been practising massage for over 12 years in New Zealand and the UK, working with a wide range of people from infants and mothers, elderly, corporate workers, dancers and musicians, to recreational and professional athletes and national and international sports teams, including the Hurricanes, All Blacks and Black Caps.

Assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal dysfunction is my particular area of interest and expertise. My clients are taught the skills necessary to overcome pain and dysfunction through core and stability training, along with stretching and strengthening protocols. These skills are integrated alongside hands on therapy sessions for optimal results.

I take a holistic approach to help clients be more aware of their body in relation to pain, tension or injury. Investigating the cause of dysfunction and assessing the contributing factors I plan a series of treatments to correct postural, biomechanical and stress related issues. I enjoy the complexities of working with clients who rely on their bodies’ to perform at their optimal potential, as well as those who need to de-stress and be re-educated in how to better their health and wellbeing through manual therapy, nutrition and exercise prescription.


Linda Rowney (nee Anderson) – Sports and Soft Tissue Therapist

Remedial Massage Therapist (MNZ)

BHS Massage and Neuromuscular Therapy

Dip. HSc. Massage and Clinical Sports Therapy

Dip. HSc. Therapeutic Massage



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